My last blog was an announcement about the last showcase at u and me dance. It went well, but not as well as I was hoping. We added a lift onto the end which I think was just too advanced for me and it stressed me out. I was going to lessons all the time trying to get this stinkin lift down and it still didnt turn out all that great. Oh well. I thought the actual 'dancing' part was great.

So we are working on our next showcase- one Ive been wanting to do for a long time - the viennese waltz! I have a great song I love and have wanted to dance to for a long time. So far Im loving the choreography Nathan is coming up with. Its challanging for me as I have never worked on the waltz, but its still do-able.
But the big announcement is that EVAN is doing a showcase with me! Its going to be a samba to a song HE picked. I love it and Lecie has given us some very cute choreography. Tickets will go on sale soon and the show is in May.
Our very very good friends John and Jess gave birth to their second baby - a boy named Lucan Brando. He is adorable.
Our quest for baby is still ongoing; but be sure I will update if we have any news - mainly because there is no way in hell I could keep that a secret!