So before Ev leaves for 6 months we are trying to get in as many of the movies he wants to see as we can. Today we went to see the new Indiana Jones movie. It was great! I was really happy that it stayed pretty true to the old movies. Harrison Ford is still incredibly handsome. Interestingly enough, about 20 minutes before the end of the movie...the fire alarm went off. JEEZ! So we all shuffled outside into the surprisingly hot outdoors while they checked out the theater. Im sure some stupid kid hit the alarm, or thought they could get away from smoking pot in the bathroom. I have never left a building for a true fire alarm. I guess that should be a great thing, but Im starting to find it annoying. Anyway, we did get to go back inside to see the rest of the movie. Then we still had not had enough INDIE! We then came home and watched the first Indiana Jones movie and grilled out. It was a great day and I totally have the I.J. theme song stuck in my head. dun dun dun duuuuun! dun da duuunnn... ;)
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