Wednesday, June 25, 2008

getting off my butt

so Ev has been gone about 1 month now and I am finally coming outta my funk. The first week he was gone was showcase so I was very busy that week taking care of dance stuff. The showcase went great. My rumba was voted into the pro show. If you see the blog below I have some video posted!!! I was very intimidated however during the pro show as ANOTHER student rumba was voted in and it was amazing. Then they wanted my baby rumba to FOLLOW them. It freaked me out...but I made it through.

The week following that I was a COMPLETE bum. Im serious. No working out, no cleaning the house, no studying - completely BUM.

The week after that I started to clean house...

The week after I started working out too...

Currently I am also starting to 're-do' rooms in the house....Im dangerous now baby

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