Yep here I am - up WAAAYYYY too late at night doing what? Talking to you! Or am I talking to myself? Or to the computer? Maybe all three. I know I know Im DEEP.
So the fourth of July was pretty cool. I hung out with John and Jess and all of their out-of-towner friends for the night. I ate a gazillion of Jess's stuffed mushrooms, which I can NEVER get enough of when Im over there. I actually got to hang a lil with Zoe their baby girl who seems to always be in bed already when I come over (do I work until that late at night? (UHM YES YES I do) And I got my first Zoe MUAH kiss which was pretty cool since I have a knack for making most children cry. No fireworks though since Burlington had their fireworks the week before apparently during its berry dairy day. Probably better in the long run since I would have missed Evan terribly. I love to watch the fireworks each year. I have always found that watching them with Evan is incredibly romantic and makes me feel safe and loved and part of a family. So to watch them when he is away is complete and utter torture for me.
Today I had some friends from work over to have my Chicken Parmesan, which is the only thing I can make decently. Of course tonight it didnt seem to turn out quite right. It was too spicy and the sauce was kinda runny. I dont know - I was disappointed. Dawn and Carolyn said it was good, but I wasnt convinced since they didnt eat all of it. sigh - maybe next time. I always want to be a better cook, but I dont really find it interesting to learn about cooking. That doesnt really go together.
This week is my final week at my second job. It hasnt really been a good fit for me these past two months, and my old boss has offered for me to come back full time. Im very happy about that! I will have a slightly different schedule than before and will be working wed evening instead of morning. Im actually looking forward to the new schedule! BUT I still have to get through two more days at the other place before I start that. I feel kinda bad leaving some of my new co-workers, but I will be soooooo much happier going back 'home' to Evergreen!
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