Saturday, August 23, 2008

Junk Drawer





The beauty of this one is I finally found the cats nail clippers... they were not too thrilled though!

OKAY Here is an update - I used old check boxes as containers so its a little better!

junk drawer


Anonymous said...

Baskets Girl!! You need baskets!! Get thee to the dollar store and buy some small baskets to fit in the drawer with all your stuff. If not, it will all get jumbled again!
I am at the end of a major house decluttering project that has been going on for two months. It is such a rush to see everything in it's place, the extra stuff gone, and to know everything is organized. Hmmmm, have I just let on as to how much of a geek I am!!! ;-)

Cindy said...

LOL - I will get some baskets - great idea. There ARE some quasi-baskets in there, such as under the pens - its just clear and so its hard to make out in the picture!