My fat cat, "The Sweetpea", is very particular about the litter box. She will not use it if it has a lid on it. I think its because she's big, and feels like she can't move in the litter box. However, I like to have a lid - because it helps keep the litter mess to a minimum. I also must admit that I prefer to empty the box every other day. So last night I decided I just need a bigger box. Thinking that a bigger box = more space for the sweets = more litter = easy every other day cleanup. So I went online looking for a bigger box. Instead, I saw some ideas for homemade boxes. EUREKA! So today I made my first homemade litter box which is essentially a 20 gal plastic container with a hole cut out of the side with box cutters. I'm also planning on switching to a wheat versus a clay litter. Im hoping this will also cut down on the smell and tracking. I'll let ya know how it goes! Check out the pics...

Here is a pic of the old box with the cover next to the new box...
how did the litter box work out? Love the idea and would like to try it. Thanks for any info.
I have 3 cats so my litter-to-sanity quotient was quite high. Then I had an idea similar to yours. Bought two clear plastic bins at Wal-Mart, got rid of lids, poured litter, and voila - no way they can scatter litter all over the floor! I also scoop every other day so we don't have an odor issue. This was a seamless transition which has really made a difference in my life and the kitties apparently have no problem with it. Hallelujah! Teri Pickering
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