One of my patients mentioned a poodle to me as a potential breed. I have always wanted a bulldog - but they are soooooooo expensive! around $2500 or more from a reputable breeder. So Evan basically gave me the big N.O. on a bulldog, which was probably a good thing, as my desire for a dog had outwieghed any logical financial reasoning at that point. At first I was like 'hell no' on the idea of a standard poodle, but my patient brought his in - and the dog was totally cool. Very calm, laid back, and listened well to his owner. Evan was actually down to get a poodle amazingly - I always thought of them as girly dogs that no man would ever consider!
Then the very next night we went to a 'navy' party and one of evans co-worker mentioned that he has a GOLDENDOODLE - a mix between a golden retriever and a standard poodle. So I looked this breed up, and it has rave reviews! In fact I could not find anyone who said anything bad about these dogs. So... the next day - you know I totally took Evan to a breeder I found in our area - and thats where we found our boy, Oliver.

He is growing like a weed, and is very laid back and well behaved. He totally has the puppy-monster thing going on, chewing, nipping, and peeing in the house, but he is generally awesome! He is very much satisfying my mommy-needs as he is quite a handful! I have aspirations of him being trained as a rehab-dog, and hanging in the clinics with me wherever I go. We will see how he turns out ;)
Here is a progression of his size already - as compared to his 'lovey'



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