Soooo over the last few months the number of patients coming to my clinic has dwindled drastically. This is mainly because a Physician owned physical therapy clinic (POPTS) opened up right across the street at a medical center that we used to draw a large client base. (I have known about the POPTS problem since school, but to face a possible lay off due to them really brings home how much of a problem they are) Now they are referring their patients away from us and to their own PT clinic. According to some patients, they are not informed that they have a CHOICE of which clinic to go to. Which they do, and their doctors should be informing them of this fact. The MDs clinic makes more money if you go to his PT..see a conflict of interest here? Do patients feel they HAVE to go to the MDs PT clinic? Well, patients have told us that they do... even to the point where in one case a patient informed us the MD threw a chart on the floor in anger when the patient wanted to go somewhere else and wouldn't take NO as an answer (bravo them). This is all he said she said...but the result is that I found myself in a position where I needed to look for another (additional) job.
And I think I may have found a nice one down in stanwood (about 20min south of me now). I start in late april. It practices with a slightly different paradigm, but in a way which should fit my credentials quite nicely. I will be part time at my old clinic and my new clinic = full time. M-Th and I have fri-sun off - not too shabby. I'm nervous about the new job too. When I started my first job right out of school, I knew there were no expectations...I was a BABY. But now after more than a year in the clinic, I'm scared I will not live up to expectations. I still have sooo much to learn and still struggle with deciding HOW to learn. Im very goal-oriented and without goals, I tend to drift and get lazy. So now Im trying to decide the next step in my career. A doctorate? An orthopaedic specialization? Pursuing a CEU certification? Im not sure, but maybe the people in the new clinic will help me figure it out...we will see...
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