I PASSED!!!! I am utterly amazed. (I just realized what a strange word 'utterly' is) My time spent studying for this exam was wrought with stress. I had several big things going on that were completely distracting me during my study process. I was going to write a blog about my studying, but I didn't have the time, or the energy to do so. I remember telling Evan that I didn't think I would pass and maybe I should not take it this year. He, being the amazing hubby he is, told me to take it anyway and that at least I would get the expensive experience of sitting for the test, even if I didn't pass.
Well...The first part of the exam was EASY. I breezed through it without a problem. Oh I forgot to mention I was horribly sick and had laryngitis during the test as well. The SECOND half was a different story. It completely rocked my world, and I was convinced I bombed it horribly.
Fast forward a few months and I get my letter yesterday. As I was opening the letter I was already grumbling to myself 'sorry loser-try again next year' BUT then I read "Congratulations!..." I could not believe it! I'm Still in shock! This is a BIG accomplishment for me! Its a big accomplishment for anyone, but considering I was under so much self inflicted stress, and horribly sick, I am super duper happy!
For anyone who might read this blog wondering how I studied, (It is independent study for this exam) I took 3 classes of level one
NAIOMT basic, upper extremity, and lower extremity. I also bought, read, and studied
current concepts in orthopaedic physical therapy offered through the APTA. If I did have to repeat this test I would study the same way, except I would study some more in-depth material on statistical testing, and knowing how to set up my own study, stats and all. In light of my results, I would have also added in additional reading in surgical repairs.